Saint Death Mother Almighty - Black Candles

Rituals and Practices

Rituals and Practices

The rituals and practices associated with Saint Death Mother Almighty worship often involve elaborate altars adorned with offerings such as candles, flowers, food, and beverages (spirit, whiskey!). Devotees believe that these offerings can bring her favor, resulting in miracles and blessings. ย 

Altars and Offerings

Altars dedicated to Saint Death Mother Almighty are typically created in homes, businesses, or public spaces. They often include images or statues of Saint Death Mother Almighty, along with offerings such as candles, incense, flowers, fruits, and alcohol. The choice of offerings may vary depending on the specific request or intention of the devotee. Common offerings include apples, tequila, and tobacco. Apples symbolize good health and fortune, tequila represents celebration and connection with the thin world, and tobacco is used for purification and communication with Saint Death Mother Almighty. ย 

Prayers and Meditation

Many practitioners engage in prayer and meditation as a means of connecting with Saint Death Mother Almighty. They may recite specific prayers or engage in heartfelt conversations, seeking guidance, protection, or strength. ย 


Lighting candles is a significant part of Saint Death Mother Almighty rituals. Devotees often use colored candles corresponding to their specific intentions. For instance, a red candle may be lit for matters of love, while a white candle symbolizes purity and protection.

I personally use black candles while having XIII Arcana in front of me.

Amulets and Talismans

Some practitioners wear or carry amulets or talismans associated with Saint Death Mother Almighty for ongoing protection and blessings. ย 

Other Practices

Other practices associated with Saint Death Mother Almighty worship include:


Some practitioners use divination tools like tarot cards or pendulums to seek insights or answers to their questions with Saint Death Mother Almighty’s guidance. I do it all with Tarot reading.


Devotees write down their petitions or intentions on pieces of paper and place them on the altar as a way of symbolically presenting their needs and desires to Saint Death Mother Almighty.

I recommend writing those on paper and burning, sending your request immediately.

Fasting and Penance

In some cases, individuals may engage in fasting or penance as a sign of devotion or to seek spiritual purification.

I had a great conversations and lucid dreams after a 10 days with water and bread only penance – recommend this way to you (ask your doctor before).



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